Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What is a Home Inspection

A home inspection is an objective examination of the condition of the visible and accessible

components of a home. Homebuyers now entering the marketplace view inspections as a way

to gain valuable information about one of the most important purchases of their lifetimes. It

helps them to determine whether there are any major defects or system inadequacies before

they buy.

Home inspectors do not point out every small problem or defect in a home. Minor or cosmetic

flaws should be apparent without the aid of a professional. The inspection also should not be

confused with an appraisal, a municipal code inspection, or a guarantee of any kind.

The home inspector’s observations or recommendations may provide useful home repair and

maintenance suggestions. The home inspector’s service is primarily one of education. The

goal of the inspector is to provide buyers with a better understanding of the physical condition

of their prospective homes.

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